Mp3 Download song Flaw Not Enough FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Flaw song lyrics

Flaw - Not Enough Lyrics

Wake up your life
You may never get the chance to make things right
Rather than lie
Take a moment to reflect on what's gone by
It's a mistake
There's no reason I should be so full of guilt
Significant break
So you severed all the ties that we have built

All I know, even though
Tried to give you what was left of me
But it was not enough
Didn't think about the rest of me
That it was not enough
Tried my hardest with the best of me
But it was not enough
Tried to give you what was left of me
But it was not enough

All mixed up inside
And it's easy to forget what we should be
It's useless to hide
I can see to the heart of your insecurity
All of this time
Blaming others for the cause of what we've lost
Nothing sublime
I must overcome no matter what the cost

[Chorus x1]

Please give back what s not yours to have
It's the only thing that I've got left
Never was enough to satisfy
And I'm left empty

[Chorus x1]

Tried to give you what was left of me
But it was not enough
Didn't think about the rest of me
That it was not enough
Tried my hardest with the best of me
But it was not enough
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